Transmission and Distribution Lines

Remote inspection of distribution lines in hard-to-access areas such as rear-property pole lines enable our team to identify concerns while negating the need to have utility workers access private property or navigate challenging terrain.

Our services

We provide a practical solution for the inspection of transmission and distribution (T&D) lines, as well as substations. Unitos support business efforts to avoid hazardous man- hours; reduce costs for maintenance, inspections, and repairs; and minimize downtime. Valuable use cases have been proven with ground crews, linemen, plant managers, and engineers. Teams will benefit from a higher level of detail – missing pins, rust, damaged insulators.

Drones conducts autonomous flights power lines that enables cost effective identification of vegetation clearances, undergrowth assessment, audit of tree trim contractors, predictive modelling and more thorough HD imagery.

UAV Power line inspection services can be a vital time and money saving component of any utility company’s inspection processes. The Power and Utility industry can now reap the benefits of 3D mapping from using a professional Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to conduct live power line inspections. With UAV technology you can now inspect your assets live, allowing you to focus more attention on repairing identified problems rather than using up valuable circuit outage time for fault finding.

  • Electric T&D Vegetation Management
  • Distribution System Inspection
  • Transmission System Inspection
  • Rapid Post-Event and Storm Response
  • Substation Inspection
  • pole and Line inspection

Power Generation Drone Inspections

Power generating companies work with several different types of assets that require regular inspections. These include assets used in coal-powered energy production, like boilers and chimneys, as well as those used in greener power sources, like wind turbines and the different components of a hydropower plant.

Power plant inspections are being revolutionized by drone technology. The major benefits to a drone inspection over a traditional inspection, as in many inspection scenarios, are removing the inspector from harm’s way and saving money by not having to build scaffolding or other temporary infrastructure to support inspection efforts.

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